Killing the Taxman
Wonder if I've got a mild case of nostomania for this blog?
What's that? well it arrived in the mail today (one of those word mailing list thingies), so I thought I'd unwrap it and put it here on a post to see how it looked.
No, silly, what does it mean. Oh, sorry. It says it means "An overwhelming desire to return home or to go back to familiar places" ... Hmmm, but wait. That's funny. its not in my Oxford dictionary (my big heavy one). Closest is nostos: "a homeward journey ... esp. as the conclusion of a literary work."
I wonder if someone's pulling my leg?
Anyway, I feel happy today. Not used to feeling happy, feels all kind of bristly and giggly. Does anyone know how to kill the taxman by the way? You know, in a nice way so that he's really dead but it didn't hurt him?
Listening to: The Doors, "Strange Days"
Feeling: like I'm standing in the middle of a field of sunflowers
Labels: Silliness
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