Little Nothings

Pieces of a discrepant diary

Fish and Photoblog

Spent the whole evening mending a friend's Windows PC which had become ridden with worms, trojan's and other nasties. After twice running three virus scanners, doing lots of Microsoft updates and seeing an unhelpful, "This computer is completely and irreparably broken, for ever!" message, everything ended well. It was a useful lesson for him though as a backup device is now on the shopping list for tomorrow.

I did get some lovely kippers, fresh from the Western Isles for my troubles. I now have fish breath and can't be kissed but they tasted great.

On a fish-free tangent, I have started a photoblog across here. I hope to update it fairly often and it should be open for comments so everyone is welcome to pop in :) There's a link to it in my links list.

Listening to: Hans Zimmer, "You're so cool", from True Romance
Feeling: low, but I can't be low when I listen to the soothing xylophone in this music, so I'm feeling a little better now.


Little Stitches

Following on from I wish, a few things tried and found to be rewarding ...

(a responsible person might say this post contains things that you shouldn't do at home kiddies.)

Smoked something I possibly shouldn't have with a bunch of music loving hippies.

Loved wonderful people.

Stood in a place no man had stood before.

Smooched under moonlight and slept on a bench below Pont Neuf, Île de la Cité, Paris.

Started a blog.

Made love in a mountain hut boot cupboard (no, no, not to a boot silly!).

Teetered on the utmost edge of a high mountain precipice on a blustery day.

Not met Bjork which means I'm still madly in love with her.

Taken part in mountain rescue.

Eaten a peanut butter and garlic sandwich as a rite of passage to share love with a beautiful mind.


There's something else I'd like to say as simply but because our world is complex and difficult, that can't be done. Sadly then I have to explain in wordy fashion that the next piece has absolutely nothing to do with America, terrorism or propaganda.

Stood atop the World Trade centre.

To end on a brighter note
Ridden behind a banshee on a 500cc OHV Twin Cylinder BSA


Rust-red ripples

photograph of rust-red ripples on a shoreline

The angle and strength of the Sunlight brought out the ripples on the water nicely. Not sure quite how healthy the red stuff was, it was coming out of a waste pipe on the shoreline!

I've got more like that on Flickr ... but ... after what seems like just a few moments really, 4% of my entire monthly bandwidth has been used, so I apologise in advance if you pop across there and find my images blocked. I've had to move the main pic above to Photobucket to spread the strain.

I'd scribbled down some notes about my impressions of Flickr, but they got a bit techy so I won't bore you. Here's a summary: it's free, easy to use and has lots of flexibility and good licensing options. I find the Terms of Service leave a bad taste in my mouth but I'll let others form their own opinion. Oh, and you'll run out of space very quickly unless you cough up some pennies.

Going off on a complete tangent, I noticed something really scary (in a nice kind of way) last night but I can't tell you about it, frustrating.

Listening to: FC Kahuna - "Hayling"
Mood: happy ... depressed ... happy ...


Testing Flickr

I'm just testing Flickr

Photograph of some lilies and lines


Heat and sugar

Its a hot, hot day for wandering around a supermarket. These temperatures remind me of a melting I experienced during a Summer in India over 20 years ago.

But chocolate has been purchased. Unfortunately its fallen ill in the heat and gone all gooey. I rushed home bleeping several hee-haw, hee-haw siren squeals and admitted it to the fridge. An anxious and fretful wait of about 30 minutes ... but the news is (was) good, its been restored to its full crunchiness even if cosmetically, it has a curvature that resembled the shape of my bum.

I say the news was good because of course, I am a self confessed serial chocolate gobbler and I now have to come clean (not easy with sticky fingers) and own up.

I tried to follow someone's example and bought some fruit as well. Thing is, there's no more room in fat tummy and I've got a sugar imbalance that's making my brain spin. You can probably tell that from this nutty post.

If I can get myself back on an even keel some photos may be posted soon. I'm going to investigate Flickr and will report my findings in case anyone's curious.

Hope its cooler where you are.

Listening to: Qntal - "Entre Moi Et Mon Amin"
Experiencing: a fluttery and very unhealthy sugar high


I wish

I wish I could've been with Vincent Van Gogh when he painted his 1889 "La Crau"

I wish the Russians hadn't invaded Afghanistan.

I wish I'd been able to speak to Christopher Reeve.

I wish I hadn't done that thing to that person. He was being a complete arsehole but I shouldn't have done that. It must have shredded his self-esteem. I still feel terrible about it.

I wish I'd had the staying power to play a musical instrument.

I wish someone I loved hadn't died in that terrible way.

I wish I could find enough of my brain to hold a conversation with the Dalai Lama.

I wish I could see my death just out of the corner of my eye, I'd like to invite him for a beer.

I wish I could share the feeling I get when I listen to this song.

Listening to: "You Don't Love Me When I Cry", Laura Nyro
Feeling: all wished out


You knock me out

I'm adding Grace Slick to my 'Listens to' list. She's sending shivers up me spine.

Haven't seen any of her artwork but that voice! It's got inside my head and its bouncing around and knocking things over in quite a wonderful way.

I'm going to have to start my Glorious list soon so I can share some of these teensie weensie moments.

(hmmm, teensie weensie isn't in my dictionary so I don't know if its spelt spelled right)

Posted by: a momentarily bouncy Bunny


Should I?

I'm looking though a doorway into a kitchen area. There's a work surface, stainless steel sink, fridge, grubby microwave, and some off-white walls. The place is empty ... well not quite empty because on the edge of the work surface lies a small 1" square piece of chocolate!

It might be asleep because I've been staring at it for 3 minutes and it hasn't moved.

No-one's been in the kitchen for at least 15 minutes. I know this because I've been sat peeking through my left eyebrow at the doorway for that long.

Don't people realise the turmoil and intestinal angst that this kind of temptation creates for a chocoholic???

It's probably a trap. I can't see the cameras and low-level laser tripwires, but they must be here somewhere. Wonder if I could borrow a 'hoodie' and sneak in anonymously, accidentally knocking it into my empty coffee cup?

No, no, resist, resist. I mean it'd be like stealing wouldn't it? Well wouldn't it?


The danger of falling asleep at parties

Just occasionally the unexpected happens and whisky causes brain to engage even if it makes typing difficult. A memory has just flown in. I guess its mine and it sounds like mine, I'm just surprised to have it pop back so clearly after so long.

I have to get it down here else it'll disappear for another 30 years.


Prospective Bunnypartner and I were at a party (a friend of a friend), As the night wore on and people were starting to flag, we took the opportunity to pop into a spare bedroom. You know, for a "chat" on the bed.

I guess drink took its toll and we were both feeling tired, so we fell asleep.

Well I woke up sometime later and I could hear voices, just behind me in the same room. As I slowly took stock of our 'predicament', I realised I had my hand inside bunnypartner's pants. You know, wedged in that front bit. And bunnypartner had her hand firmly attached in mine. And our clothes were still on, just, but kind of all unbuttoned to make access easier.

Slow dawning horror, eased only marginally when I realised the voices must have been sitting on the floor and chatting.

Now I realised that it probably wasn't a good idea to pop right up, with bunnypartner's hand round my toothpaste tube and say "Hi", so I had to slowly wake bunny, hand over her mouth making a silent shushing gesture. At first she was groggy, then puzzled, then that unmistakeable expression of panic ...

Have you ever tried to pull clothes back on, button up in extremely slow motion while trying to make it seem as if you were in noddy land?

Ten minutes later, we were just about presentable enough to start making pretend waking up noises. I thought we might have gotten off the hook but when I turned, there was the party's host and 3 housemates sat around a Cluedo board, "If you two have finished playing Doctors and Nurses up there, we've been waiting to start a game and Mrs. Peacock and Professor Plum are still free."
image of a shy smiley


Nice, nice people

Ok, why is is that when the only program you've wanted to watch on TV, the whole week, is due to come on, the TV room is filled with people. Nice, nice people yes, but how can I say this politely? With closed minds!

I want to watch something where the cast just happen to be a playing a bunch of lesbians, but where I stand that doesn't matter much because its just a light and fresh little play on a bunch of fun loving characters.

Yes I'm male and for a lot of these people I can see that it might be a problem accepting that I don't want to stand in front of the screen with me pants around me ankles wobbling back and forth. Well problem or not for the stereotype image, I just want to watch it and have a laugh.

But tonight of all nights everyone comes round. Can't even tape the damn thing. Well that's it! I've left them to it and hit the whisky. When you get older you learn to enjoy the little things because everything else has left you drained, cynical, tired, empty headed, staring at the wallpaper for long periods wondering when the next thought's going to come along.

Ok, scrub some of that, kick me, it sounds pathetic. I'm just a tad frustrated is all. Whisky's woken me up now. I'm gonna go and find shelter in blogland.

Listening to: "Gimme Shelter", Rolling Stones
Posted by: a grumpy bunny with a glass


Snobs and ?

So it seems people are people no matter where you go. When I was a kiddie winkle and I left small town to go to the big smoke, I soon found that the city had the same types of people that small town had. Exactly the same. Only the numbers and proportions changed.

Now I find myself in blogspace and I'm passing expression snobs on the blogtube. Closely followed by those who feel they must instruct you on how you should blog.

Everyone has the right to express themselves, even dimwits and manics and those who can't write the Queen's piddling English (threw that one in so I can take sides although I qualify on all 3 counts).

I know there are snobs in the real world with brains the size of pimples, but if the intellectuals react by moving to blogspace and being snobbish about the ability to express themselves, it doesn't really fix anything except their own inflated egos.

Ok, that's it, I've burned up all my sugar, need a choccy biccy

Listening to: "The Old Castle", Mussorgsky from "Pictures at an Exhibition"
Who posted this: a het up bunny

I'll debase myself now, but at least give you a laugh. I had to go look up Google to see if that was how I should spell choccy biccy (sad, sad). While there, I found this biscuit review. Have a look at the second paragraph under "Full review". The things you stumble across (chuckle).



Bizy and hectic here, even managed to spend a few days away from me computer.

Went walking along the east coast of Fife (I'll try to post some photos as soon as I get a min), and got dragged off into someone's garden ... more mud.

I just need to finish all this other stuff ... Back shortly.

urm, also updated my About page for anyone who likes reading that sort of thing. It'll probably stay that way for a while now.

Listening to: "Andy, You're A Star", The Killers

Posted by: a bizy bunny


Mud monster

Back fence has been slowly collapsing in the middle so last night, got out the trowel and started digging a hole for a new post. I'm not really a lover of worms and crawlies, but there was something strangely kinky about getting all mucked up.

Used the spade to neatly cut a line round a long strip of grass, then slice underneath ... hmmm - it rolls up just like a piece of carpet. I like simple pleasures!

About half an hour later, I had a hole, pretty much 8" square that was deep enough to swallow my arm up to the shoulder. Oops, slip, tumble, whack, green chin, couldn't get up again. H thought I was being eaten by a sci-fi mud monster and had to pull me out, both cracking up.

And now a thunderstorm's come along and pee'd in it. IN MY HOLE, the cheeky bugger!

Listening to: "Mr Sandman" by ?? dunno, who was it did that one?
Mood: Something's hovering, I can feel it.


Desperately seeking sheep

my silly drawing of shaggy sheep

No more of these here long relationships please, no no no no!

live, love, long years, boom,

live, love, long years, fizzle,

live, love, long years, wallop,


I so wish Bunnyparents had taught me the Shhhh song instead their strange ideal of how relationships should last forever.

I need warm, carefree company for a while.

Baaa-a, come to me shaggy ones.

I may have just gone off my trolley.
