Little Nothings

Pieces of a discrepant diary

Candles, queasiness and the semi-colon

Apart from one recent occasion, it's been several years since I've treated myself and lit a candle. For me, candle burning means taking time to relax the body and exercise the mind. Reading, listening to music or perhaps exploring, thinking. It's a personal treat.

Lighting a candle last night, was more about making a decision; that I ought to set aside time for this kind of relaxation more often.

I like the fact that candles can be made from simple, natural and easy to find materials like beeswax or soy wax, and cotton for the wick; and that they provide both light and heat; and sometimes one of those funny but not unpleasant smells. Never made a candle though. Maybe I should do that one day?


It's been a day of howling wind and lashing rain. The still air hasn't quite been cold enough to feel Wintry but the chilling effect of gale force winds on damp exposed flesh was certainly enough to send a shiver or two down my spine.

Mid afternoon I had a strange feeling; a hard to describe unsettling somewhere in the mid-body region. Got up to have a walk around and noticed it had become a sense of queasiness in the stomach, a slight wobbliness in the knees and a faint dizziness in the head. Don't think it's Couvade syndrome because I don't know any pregnant ladies. I also had to, erm, pop to the loo so it was probably just something I eat, although it hasn't entirely gone away.

I do sometimes suffer small bouts of physical confusion, mostly as a result of blood sugar wobbliness.

This probably sounds like a moan or a smattering of hypochondria but it's not meant to. It's just an observation really, a little nothing. What's most curious is how I'm beginning to notice these things more as I get older. It's not so much the increase in minor aches and pains that comes with age, more a sense of knowing what you body is trying to tell you. At least I think that's what it is.


I'm playing with semi-colons. Not that I know anything about them; never quite sure when they should or shouldn't be used. I've actually used six whole ones in this post, but of course I don't have the slightest idea whether I'm using them properly or even usefully. I did find a site that's seems quite good at explaining some basics of English grammar and usage; basics that I sadly lack. It has a good bit on semicolons although I'm completely confused about participickles and the like.

I'd better explain now otherwise you'll misunderstand. I often squeak about my poor command of English, mainly because I'm very conscious of it. But that's all it is, a self-consciousness - it only applies to me. I'm not judging other blogs or others' ability to write (I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing). It's just a really silly weakness I have with my own writing.

Hmmm, very strange. Anyway, I'll stop now before you think I'm completely odd. EH? What's that? It's too late? You already do? Oh well then, I guess I'll just have to make a strong coffee, suck a dried date, then light a candle and think about a random thought.

Listening to: The Smiths, "There Is a Light That Never Goes Out"
Needing: some sugar, better go get some right now, pip toodle.


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