Little Nothings

Pieces of a discrepant diary

Sanatorium for Disordered Bloggers

Well, that was quite interesting, that brief foray into seriousness. I think perhaps there'll be more of that to come.

Meanwhile, a man in a factory once told me that it didn't matter what you did or what mistakes you made, as long as you were consistent.

I thought about this for a while. Quite a long time actually. I even spent an a-g-e (if I told you how long, you wouldn't believe me), writing a humungous ramble on the subject. Luckily, I re-read it, decided it was utter mush and chucked in in the wastebin.

I was helped along by this quote I found while reading a very basic photography tutorial on

"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

While it's true that I'm a wrinkled little monster with a head like an inverted tardis: huge on the outside but with enough grey matter to fill a thimble; I also have a history of rebellion against prescribed thinking and established patterns of behaviour. This quote has sent me into the cupboard looking for my Che Guevara khakis and beret.

Therefore at the risk of being referred to a sanatorium for disordered bloggers, consistency has gone out the window, possibly closely followed by popularity (what is that?), and I now feel compelled to restate my identity by posting something quite daft.

First though, a question. In the midst of the ramble that's now gone through the shredder, I found myself becoming quite confused over the ebb phrase. I was wondering whether it should be "ebb and tide" or "ebb and flow"? Tried an Internet search but the results page returned an article written by a Rabbi, a document about Hamas operational strategy and an interview with a writer of romantic fiction. Fascinating though these may be to whoever might want to read them, they didn't help me with my question. Does anyone know? Should it be tide or should it be flow?

And how on earth has the time got to almost 5:30 in the morning? I need to be up and doing severely boring things in a couple of hours. Hmm, stay up and regret it for the rest of the day, or find some alcohol, get one hours sleep, then regret it for the rest of the day? What a choice. Sorry if none of this post makes sense :)

Listening to: Grant Lee Buffalo, "Jupiter Teardrop"
Wondering: whether I should write a manifesto?


Blogger Bunnyman said:(10/10/06 18:50 

Hmmm, "restate my identify" (?), I was definitely floundering this morning. Spell check has now been applied.

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