Golden Oldies Against Trident
In the company of a dozen other mature Leicestershire residents, 94 year old Alice Beer has made the news by joining more than 60 people to demonstrate against the Government's decision to continue with Trident, the UK's submarine-based Nuclear Deterrent. Alice and her group of GOATs (Golden Oldies Against Trident) have joined the Faslane 365 non-violent protest for the weekend, just outside Helensburgh. Alice makes pottery, writes poetry and has seen through two World Wars. In Vienna during the 1930's, she campaigned against the rise of fascism.
Unfortunately there's another disconcerting news item from yesterday - 20 anti-nuclear protesters from Leicestershire arrested. It seems the UK government doesn't care much for non-violent protest. I hope Alice wasn't among those arrested.
Listening to: Suzanne Vega, "Left of Center"
Labels: Everything else
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