Little Nothings

Pieces of a discrepant diary

Snobs and ?

So it seems people are people no matter where you go. When I was a kiddie winkle and I left small town to go to the big smoke, I soon found that the city had the same types of people that small town had. Exactly the same. Only the numbers and proportions changed.

Now I find myself in blogspace and I'm passing expression snobs on the blogtube. Closely followed by those who feel they must instruct you on how you should blog.

Everyone has the right to express themselves, even dimwits and manics and those who can't write the Queen's piddling English (threw that one in so I can take sides although I qualify on all 3 counts).

I know there are snobs in the real world with brains the size of pimples, but if the intellectuals react by moving to blogspace and being snobbish about the ability to express themselves, it doesn't really fix anything except their own inflated egos.

Ok, that's it, I've burned up all my sugar, need a choccy biccy

Listening to: "The Old Castle", Mussorgsky from "Pictures at an Exhibition"
Who posted this: a het up bunny

I'll debase myself now, but at least give you a laugh. I had to go look up Google to see if that was how I should spell choccy biccy (sad, sad). While there, I found this biscuit review. Have a look at the second paragraph under "Full review". The things you stumble across (chuckle).


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