Little Nothings

Pieces of a discrepant diary

Mud monster

Back fence has been slowly collapsing in the middle so last night, got out the trowel and started digging a hole for a new post. I'm not really a lover of worms and crawlies, but there was something strangely kinky about getting all mucked up.

Used the spade to neatly cut a line round a long strip of grass, then slice underneath ... hmmm - it rolls up just like a piece of carpet. I like simple pleasures!

About half an hour later, I had a hole, pretty much 8" square that was deep enough to swallow my arm up to the shoulder. Oops, slip, tumble, whack, green chin, couldn't get up again. H thought I was being eaten by a sci-fi mud monster and had to pull me out, both cracking up.

And now a thunderstorm's come along and pee'd in it. IN MY HOLE, the cheeky bugger!

Listening to: "Mr Sandman" by ?? dunno, who was it did that one?
Mood: Something's hovering, I can feel it.


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