Little Nothings

Pieces of a discrepant diary


That's the best word I can think of right now, an extended form of the well known adjective, "ungh"! That's what it felt like this morning, trying to open my eyes. It was almost like I didn't remember how - and they were sooo heavy - and someone was sitting on them - and there was a dull numbness in my head, but especially up from my nose in a curious curve that, in much younger years I could probably have described mathematically, all the way round my eye sockets and up to Bunny summit. It was almost as though my mind was telling me not to return to the world - it simply wasn't worth it.

I slept in.

It's caught up with me, all these nights, struggling with sleep. I definitely set the alarm but when I woke, it was curiously switched off.

Anyway, quite a bit of rushing around today to catch up with two hours lost.


Now I was just scouting around my blog, checking the comments, seeing if anyone had said hello, when I noticed ... an entry ... about poetry or summat. Eh, don't know who wrote that or how it got in here. It's a puzzle.


This is going to be a week to juggle. I have to spend a few days on the move doing boring stuff but might get a day on the hills out of it. Probably won't be able to blog or comment much though, I'm going to be unplugged.

It's not that I don't have things to post, on the contrary, there are a lot of things, in fact probably hundreds, but many of them haven't made the leap, from thought held as chaotic electrical neuro-pattern, to jumbled notes on paper, let alone to passable blog entries.

Sometimes I wake with idle thoughts lingering, in that strange space that is waking up. Makes me wonder, whether those had been the thoughts I'd gone to sleep with.

Today's idle thought is: Should I restart this blog? Actually, maybe that wasn't it, maybe it was: Should I start a new blog, disconnected from this one?
Okay, tell you what, this week I'll try to remember why I was thinking that. It would probably help.

Oh, and another idle thought: Should I change my name? Train it all the way down to the St. Andrews Square Birth and Marriage Registry Office and change from Bunnyman to "perfectly normal person" using that deed pole thing. But then I haven't explained why I'm called Bunnyman because I was putting it off, so maybe I should build up the courage to post that first. errrm, perhaps you'd better ignore me altogether, just for the moment.

Oh, and another idle thought: ... ... um ... (scratches head) ... you'll be ever so relieved to know that I forgot this one.

Listening to: Gnarls Barkley, "Crazy"
still, yes, still the same tune, it's got stuck in my inner ear.


Blogger pink jellybaby said:(17/10/06 09:29 

my thoughts on this for what it's worth.... (don't fall asleep now)

1. explain why you are bunnyman
2. once you have done that, explain why you want to change your name and what you've changed/might change it to (so we can find you)
3. don't disappear
4. if you want somewhere else to write about different stuff, why not use 20six for one and this for another kind of thing?

5. i fell aslep on the bus i'm so tired today :(

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