Have a blob
I'm sitting here with insomnia and a glass so nothing I say can be relied upon. Internet radio is steaming down the broadband, lots of strange French people singing and playing accordions from Radio Blagon in Bordeaux. It's varied, catchy, funny and quite wonderful. If you're curious, use Windows and have Winamp, I think you can just click the weblink and listen without further ado. If you have Linux, you probably already know what to do. Haven't got a clue how it works for a Mac, sorry.
For almost two months, I've blogged over at 20Six. I don't really know what I expected but in that time I've had the pleasure to speak with a floaty person and been visited by a speeding Time Lord. I hopped across the English channel and found that I could say hello in French with ink and paper. I've been greeted by a wiley bird and a green eyed cat, been influenced by shoe-less person under a monsoon and solaced by a journeying blue spirit. I've conversed with a Welsh birdy person, and chatted all manner of HTML naughtiness with a nurse (lots of others too, omissions are not intentional but simply a result of a faulty memory).
These exchanges have been invigorating and I'd just like to say a thank you to everyone who has left a comment there. This isn't a "I'm closing my blog, so goodbye and thank you" (you wish!) post. Tee-hee, health allowing I'm going to be annoying everyone for a while yet. It's just more of a credit to what is simply a friendly community over at 20Six.
Bouncy blob has been following me around for the past few of hours so I brought him/her/it along to say hello ...
Listening to: Paris Combo, "Living room"
Experiencing: a complete inability to sleep
HELP: Anyone have a remedy for insomnia? It's becoming annoying now. Especially as the rest of you are snoozing.
Labels: Blogtalk
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