Rust-red ripples
The angle and strength of the Sunlight brought out the ripples on the water nicely. Not sure quite how healthy the red stuff was, it was coming out of a waste pipe on the shoreline!
I've got more like that on Flickr ... but ... after what seems like just a few moments really, 4% of my entire monthly bandwidth has been used, so I apologise in advance if you pop across there and find my images blocked. I've had to move the main pic above to Photobucket to spread the strain.
I'd scribbled down some notes about my impressions of Flickr, but they got a bit techy so I won't bore you. Here's a summary: it's free, easy to use and has lots of flexibility and good licensing options. I find the Terms of Service leave a bad taste in my mouth but I'll let others form their own opinion. Oh, and you'll run out of space very quickly unless you cough up some pennies.
Going off on a complete tangent, I noticed something really scary (in a nice kind of way) last night but I can't tell you about it, frustrating.
Listening to: FC Kahuna - "Hayling"
Mood: happy ... depressed ... happy ...
Labels: Shiny things
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