Little Nothings

Pieces of a discrepant diary

Problems with Bloglines

Since the problems with 20Six over the weekend, a number of my subscribed feeds at Bloglines have broken and haven't been updating. This includes subscriptions for all the 20Six blogs listed in my sidebar Blogs list.

Normally following problems the feeds sort themselves out within a day or so but that's not happened this time.

I mailed Bloglines using their contact form listing each broken feed and was surprised at their quick response - within 2 hours. Not bad considering I only have a free account.

They reset all the feeds I listed and these are now updating correctly. If you use Bloglines you may want to check your own subscriptions. Each broken one may have a [!] marked against the feed property page.

Happy feed nibbling.


Anonymous Anonymous said:(2/12/06 23:12 

Hmf - now Blogigo has gone down again - and I was just about to answer some comments! I hope 20Six is behaving better.

Blogger Bunnyman said:(2/12/06 23:17 

It does make me chuckle. What with your Blogigo and my 20Six it's a wonder we can blog at all.

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