Little Nothings

Pieces of a discrepant diary

A calm moment

It's New Year's Eve; I'm alone. Outside the wind is screaming, carrying rain by the bucket load.

Inside is calm, completely free of worry, a puzzle.

Our social infrastructure encourages us to think it's sad for people to be alone at this time of year. Trust me here though. In this corner and on this day, alone is simply the most glorious moment of peace.

This is my moment. I get to spend this one how I like. Well, I choose to spend this moment wondering - what you're up to.

If you've ever blogged and you've stumbled on an odd character who goes by the name of Bunnyman then there's one certainty I can offer. I'm raising my glass (okay, beer bottle) to you right now.

I hope you find something of value in the coming year.

Tomorrow, my attendance will be needed, chaos will sweep me away first in body, then in mind, but ... don't doubt that I'll be back sometime in 2007. After all, I have to examine my sanity somewhere.

Meanwhile, take good care of yourselves, wherever you are.


Listening to: Philip Glass, music from The Hours


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