Oxyrhynchus papyri lady
The other day BBC2 ran a programme about decoding papyri found in the ancient Egyptian city of Oxyrhynchus which include extensive transcriptions of ancient Greek literature. I think the program might be a repeat of a repeat from 2002.
Two things happened. It was a fascinating program, and I fell head over heels in love. One of the contributors interviewed was a lady with a warm and very wonderful personality, who was giggling while telling us of the transgressions of an Oxyrhynchus' inhabitant and his attempts to seek incantations and magical remedies for revenge and sexual relief.
Great history yes, but I've fallen in love with her beautiful laugh and its been making my toes wiggle.
To a beautiful papyri lady: in the unlikely event you should ever read this post, all I'm trying to say is that you made me smile and cheered up an otherwise dreary evening.
Thank you.
Listening to: Nick Cave, "Somethings gotten hold of my heart"
Feeling: historically curious (no, really!)
Labels: Shiny things
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