I've just been over to my thesaurus to look up the word, 'people'. I have to go there all the time you see, for the simplest things.
I looked up the word, 'people' because I was talking about 'people' and I got tired of calling people, 'people'. There's no other word for people in my small head (actually it's a big head but it echoes a lot in here), so I had to look it up. Right!! (sorry but I'm in a mood)
Anyway, while I was there I found this entry listed under Roget's New Millennium Thesaurus:
Main Entry: beautiful people
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: wealthy fashionable people
Synonyms: aristocracy, beau monde, café society, cream of society, crème de la crème, cultured class, elite, famous people, glamorous people, glitterati, ... blah blah ...
So, "Roget's New Millennium Thesaurus" ... exactly how do you get off on defining beautiful people as wealthy and fashionable, hmm????! Exactly what happened to plain ordinary beautiful people? The ones who don't need money, fame, culture or creamy bits to be beautiful!
Come on, before I take my chewing gum and lodge it half way up your left nostril. Let's have an answer!
You're supposed to be a shiny thesaurus, a reference for the english speaking world, a reliable place, but this is just complete pants. In fact it's a pile of REALLY ANNOYING NONSENSE!!!!!!!! Now I'm so mad I'm going to write the words millennium and Roget and poo and ugly, all on a piece of paper, crumple it up then jump up and down on it until I run out of puff ... then ... well then I'll just flush it down the loo ... OK!!
Needless to say, I didn't find a better word for 'people'.
Labels: Cut me open
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Just trying out a comment after a problem was reported by a friend
and yet another :)
see i told you it's working from home.
Yipeee, (jumps up and down singing), hello!!
(calms down)
Glad you cracked it. Now I can talk to you wherever I am :-)
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