Little Nothings

Pieces of a discrepant diary

Breaded Cod

Lavender Leaf was doing Sunday lunch and called to invite me. Leaf is someone I have to spend time with every so often. Not more frequently than once a week but at least once every six weeks. These are my time-scales, not hers although she does seem to have tuned into them. On Sunday we were just over the three week mark.

I know Leaf about as well as I can know a person, helped along by the fact that she isn't that hard to know, by which I mean that she's consistent, at least I think that's what I mean. Conversely, Leaf has a much more difficult job.

I'll start again: Lavender Leaf had bought all the ingredients for a Sunday lunch for her family and needed someone to cook it, so she called me. She cooks exactly four things in quite an exact way. Sunday lunch isn't one of those four things. Naturally, the invite also meant 'joining in' with some gardening and DIY.

I went round hoping to get some exercise by trotting struggling up a nearby hill but I made the silly mistake of turning up first, to ask Leaf if she wanted to come along, "We can do that after Lunch but seeing as you're early, you can fit my new letterbox and there's a Butler sink in the garden that I want mounted on some bricks."
I asked where the bricks were, "You can just use the ones from that old wall but you'll have to knock it down first".

The odd thing about me cooking "Leaf's Sunday Lunch", is the meat. Now if I were a meat eater, I might feel dubious about having my food cooked by a fish eating 'vegetarian' who hasn't eaten breast, rump, leg or indeed any other body part, for almost 20 years. Her family however are quite a trusting lot. Leaf had catered for me by buying some fish that I could cook for myself, so in amongst the roast beef, gravy, Yorkshire pudding, crispy roast potatoes, mash, asparagus, carrots and peas ... was a single piece of breaded cod.

So I didn't get up my hill. I did get fed though and I did see Leaf, both of which are quite important really in the big scheme of things, well at the present time anyway.


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