Little Nothings

Pieces of a discrepant diary

the blog metamorphs into a diary

I've decided to stop calling this thing "Bunnyman's Blog". The phrase is nothing more than a tagline anyhow and the name "Little Holes" will stay.

So what's the big issue?

Well there isn't one. The small fly walking across my desk doesn't seem overly concerned and I don't think it's going to become an election issue. There are certainly far more interesting things going on in the world. For example, did you know that as of today, there are 822 known potentially hazardous asteroids? I think this means asteroids that might make a large house-shaped hole, in that spot where your house used to be. I don't think it means asteroids that can only be safely handled while wearing rubber gloves.

Anyway, I'll leave you to ponder over that curious and slightly worrying statistic, or even do some of the more interesting things you were going to do before you stumbled in here. Meanwhile I'll carry on rambling.

So I've decided to call it a type of journal. My first choice was to call it a diary but on checking the dictionary, it seems this might suggest a daily activity. That didn't quite sound right seeing as this place doesn't get updated every day. The definition for journal on the other hand, is:

"a personal record of events or matters of interest, written up every day or as events occur"

So you see, I get an opt-out clause to update things only as they happen.

Does any of this mean the content of the blog will change? Probably not, no. Whatever else I may have been writing (I've forgotten now), will carry on shortly.

The main thing is that I don't want to call it a blog anymore. Yes, yes, I know that it is a blog in a general sense and it's hosted by Blogspot which is a blogging service. The word blog though, is such a high level, generic term that it doesn't actually tell us very much. What's more, because so many other collections of writing are referred to as blogs, there's a tendency for visitors to think this might be like other blogs.

Of course it's no more a journal than a blog. The actual word which describes it precisely hasn't been invented yet. I have managed to come up with an interim prototype however.


I'm sure the good people who write the Oxford English Dictionary could come up with something much better but it seems there are lots of other unnamed things far more deserving than my blog which need a name, so my request at the far end of the queue right now.

There's a likelihood that tomorrow I'll forget all about this post and starting referring to my journal as a blog again or I might get confused and call it a diary. That's one of the problems with having a short term memory. But at least this does go to show what nonsense the brain can occupy its time with when it's too wet to go out and when there's not too much else to do.


Update. After approximately 12 seconds of random thought, a coffee and a dried date, I've completely changed my mind and decided instead to call it a diary.

Listening to: Yazoo, "Nobody's Diary"
Wondering: whether I should have call it a notebook?


Blogger Bunnyman said:(2/11/06 04:24 

in response to Franco:
Thanks, Franco but no thanks. I'm not in this for making money.

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